Friday, July 04, 2008

Persistence of Vision

Its been a while,
Since the mist of
Last night's suffering
Has been of any significance.
The air is moist and cool-
Not cold
-And the light is dim
And faint, with
Its origin unfathomable.

Not wrapped in the finest wool
This world can produce,
But in common cotton,
The surrounding coolness
Seems threatening.
There is a road, though,
Leading to many lands,
Some reached, some unreached,
And some thought to be unreachable.
To embark on a journey
To an unknown destination,
Is always thought to be foolish.

The dangers are feared,
The rewards are overlooked,
Thus the strength to set out,
Only those
Of unhindered determination
And, a mad love
For all things feared,
Yet revered,
Appreciate the beauty-
As comparative as it might be
-In breaking selfish bonds,
Yet maintaining
Their responsibilities.

"Let us look down
Upon composure and self-control."
Others explain.
"Let us look down
Upon your narrow-mindedness."
They reply.
Do not ask them
The meaning of loneliness,
For they laugh at it,
Though they live in it.
They live shunned.
By groups of small-thinking
Who strangely
Are allowed to influence,
Other vulnerable minds.

Individual intelligence,
Has taken a back seat
(Has been given one, rather).
Only now will the arguement,
Shift in favour of the likes of
Galileo, Newton, DaVinci,
Among others,
But only a few
Will get up
With firm resolve,
To follow their example.
And thus will win,
The persistence
Of their inner vision.