Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Kin

You brought me

Into this world.

You taught me

The ways of life.

You gave me

A reason to live.

Then why

Did you turn against me,

My kin?

You were the omniscient

To my innocent mind,

My eternal guide.

Then why

Did you stray from me,

O creator?

Naïve I was

To have relied on you.

Clueless I was

To base my life

To live up

To your expectations.

Innocent I was

To let you

Convince me of having

Only the talents

You wanted me to develop.

Silly I was

To allow you

To guide me

Into complete misery.

Helpless I was

To stop you

From taking

The very life you gave me.

Help me understand...

Why strengthen pillars

Of emotions

When you intended

To break them anyway?

Show me the logic

Of giving life

Just to take it away.

Was it mere whim

Or was the purpose definite

When you chose

To misunderstand

And misinterpret

The words spoken

Or actions committed?

What am I supposed to do now?

Where am I to go

When I am in need of help?

Whom do I look to

When I need to show love

Or be loved?

Who will guide me

Or help me learn

When I make mistakes?

Who will appreciate

The hardwork I put

Into strengthening my emotions?

Who will praise

The struggle with which

I live through each moment of the day?

The empty void you created

Cannot easily be filled.

Do not teach me

The value of a promise

If you cannot respect it yourself.

Do not make me

Self reliant

If you don't want to give me freedom.

Do not teach me

The difference between right and wrong

And then pass off

Your wrong-doings as righteous.

Do not show me

How to be kind and considerate

When you yourself know no compassion.

Do not teach me loyalty

If you yourself cannot practice what you preach.

With this

My soul breaks free

From the shackles

You tied around it

Under the guise of responsibility.


My problems are mine.

My loyalty is

Towards my well-being.

You cannot cheat me

Any more into believing

That there exists

An emotional connection

Between us.

My freedom is all that matters.

The shattered shards

Of my faith in humanity

I now collect…

They need you to be fixed.

They will remain broken.
