Thursday, March 11, 2010

Graying Clouds

Saw you standing apart

In the clichéd crowd,

Marveled at the panache

With which you solved common problems.

Yet, now your energy reserve

Seems to deplete day by day.

Your style, your swagger,

Dampen as the clock ticks away.

Tall and bright that you were,

Now, you just remain morbid and silent:

Lost in a world

You want to call your own,

Refusing to realize

That it is not there where your heart lies.

Detaching yourself

From the promise of a great future,

Entering an unknown abyss.

Come back!

For your talent is too precious

To be drowned in wine.

Watch out!

For the road you are on

Only ends in a deadly cliff.

There is more to life

Than carving a path

That seems original only to you.

There is more to living

Than forming your own herd.

Don't give away


At the cost of unwanted experience.

There is more to life,

There is more to you.

You are the promise

Made by the Heavens above

To the growth of mankind.

Don't sell away your genius

For a few pathetic moments

Of dazed bliss.

Apply your lessons, child!

Getting swept away

By the tide of wants

Is what everyone does.

Carve your original path, thus, kid,

Wade through the turbulence

Greed so infamously creates.

Here is where you prove your mettle,

Here is how you display your true potential.

Don't give up, yet,

There is more to life…

There is more to you.




Pinnacles of originality,

You are a one of the very few people I look up to and am proud to know. Please don't change who you are for temporary happiness.

Cheers :)


A caring martian.