Sunday, April 08, 2007


I flipped through
The pages of my diary,
Reading all the words,
That represent my memories;
Stored in sheets of paper
Vulnerable; vital.
My identity lies here,
My truth written,
My mysteries solved.
My songs mute,
In their own rhythm of ecstasy.
My paintings, blank
In their own landscape of purity.
My lips draw a smile
As I notice an inevitable truth.
I have grown mature,
I have become wiser,
My strength has increased.
Determination defines me,
Ambition runs through my veins.
Life has been hard,
Its true.
The experience though,
Has been kind.
I am a stallion.
I am wild, I am free.
I live like
There lives no tomorrow.
I run like
There runs no sorrow in me.
The world would end
O' blue sky
You will change,
As everyday, as every moment.
But I:
I remain,
I am wild, I am free,
and I prevail.
Over the earth
That shall be washed way;
Over the sun,
That shall be extinguished;
Over these pages,
That shall rot.
My tales, true to every word,
Will live...
My memories, purest of all,
Will flourish...
Fragments and pieces,
I grow into
A bit here, a piece there.
But I remain,
And i remain, everywhere.
For I am wild, and I am free
I am a stallion
I am ME

A Mr. "Blue"
Life goes on, leaving a message behind... It says
"Follow me!"

A vampire you may never encounter again.


Unknown said...

hEy cRysTal... :) :)
U siMplY roCk.. ;)
iTz WonDerFul n InsPirIng ..

Unknown said...

oh that was just fuckin' amazing!
i mean, WOW. i'm just so happy for you, being able to write like that :)

still life said...

words cant contain my praises
u has gone beyond great
exccedingly amazing

Anonymous said...

Big Brother is watching you...
-1984, George Orwell

Ray said...

Dunno how u can Imagine so well...or u feel so ...n anlyse ur feelings so well that u can write abt thm..!!!

Amazing Use of much Expressed...and so Strongly that all who read ur poems feel the emotion n are affected by it..!!As i am..!!

G said...

nice bit of poetry you got there martian, continue.....

G said...

nice work, continue it.... i like your attitude martian...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

mayank said...

gud work.....
seems bachi badi ho gai hai.....