Sunday, April 22, 2007


Two faces, two eyes,
Each with its own perception.
Sparks gleam at
Four distinct positions
Separated, pair from pair,
By naught more
Than a screen
Another unprotected shield.
Caged, trapped, surrounded
By four walls,
Supporting a whole new world.
An array of ideas,
A rainbow of emotions.
A mountain of dedication,
Amidst trees of hope,
Hidden in the mist
Of unruly expectations.
A soul is lost
Somewhere in the sea
Of people,
Belonging to a single flock,
Following the same trends,
Treading the same path.
Lost is a soul
In the sea of unanimity.
Faced by knowledge
Ever unending,
An urge to rise
Above them all,
A spirit suppressed
Under the mount of
Responsibilities and pressure.
An attempt, a try,
Another futile effort
To meet irrational expectations
To prove stability
To prove achievement
Of a height untouched.
A symmetrical block
Bars freedom of soul,
Prevents expression of thought,
Stops the unending process of growth.
A need to unplug
A need to detach
With a hope to shine
With an urge to rise
To create a beat
To create a rhythm
Which suits the mood,
Represents life
Runs through everyone's veins
Yet remains unheard.
Yet remains unchained.
Yet remains uncaged.
Unique and free,
Yet bound by rules
And regulations of tradition,
Of respect and care,
Of family and friends,
All, but a namesake.
A definition would bind again,
A description would define.
I remain a mystery
Lost in the sea of unanimity.


Pawan Kumar said...

Yes tht is what life is...but u have xpressed it beautifully in d best words ;-)

Unknown said...


mom!!! is dinner ready?????

Unknown said...

heyyyy darlin...dont be mad at me.....

i luv ur poemz.....very thoughtful stuff indeed.....

after readin it i was actually thinkin for a mo' abt life....

u r overflowin wit tallent sweety...

keep up da gud job.... ya think u can write a poem on me???/ (hehehehehe)

garfield said...

it's reely gud but it's reely long
but it has a gud depth if can understand[:D]

Ray said...

Its too good....n frm all the poems i have read..i will say u r a genius in this..!!
ur words r so perfect that i wonder hw cud anyone have thought so much..!!
incredible use of Imagination and again Fantastic Use of words..!!
somehow No words r enough for this Awesum poem of urs....Too damn Good..!!

Unknown said...

this is your best one yet on blogger!
i love this
it's the hardest thing to describe you you feel

still life said...

Your poems run as deep as my dreams and as high as my imagination do not limit your self to my skill for you are meant to surpass
Your thoughts must move away from the darkness and rid your self of your shade walk in the light of your radiance, free for birds as beautiful as you are never meant to be put in bonds.
Thus I say to thee cast away thy veil of darkness hearken to the sound of water upon lilies and of the wind in the trees.

...Mystified... said...

@ Umesh - go eat you pig!