Sunday, April 15, 2007

Taken for Granted

I had a friend
One of a kind,
Special; funny
Independent; unique.
Two unknown souls,
Two different minds.
Two unique idea,
Two rare delights.
Chance collided upon them
Projecting them towards
Cross-roads of life.
Foolish, I was,
To play with destiny.
This childishness of mine,
I regret terribly.
The unknown paths
Remain unknown.
Lost in towering emotions
Of pride and honour.
Swirling into infinity
Not knowing where darkness ends.
If only the path
Could be retraced.
If only friendship
Could not be scarred.
If only friends
Truly remained forever.
This day would not have
Seen me, o' friend,
Taking you for granted.
I am truly in your debt.


A king of flirts,
You might have many friends, all of them better than my shameful self. But, I survive on only your friendship. I am sorry for the ill-words spoken, and for the hurt and pain caused. I need but a chance to revive the old friendship again, only if you are willing to give it to me.
Yet again, dear friend, I apologize, for the rudeness of my behavior.
A block-headed vampire


Pawan Kumar said...

The poem is simply splendid....words cannot describe the worth of frndship and no amount of platinum can buy frndship or even keep them.....this poem says that completely looooooove it....

still life said...

Hey I just read your poem and I must say your poem r are truly amazing and touch my heart and that’s saying some thing I am very cold, otherwise.
I really think you are amazing at expressing your thoughts and emotions in words and it’s sensational.
BTW who is King of Flirts?
I am kind of curious that used to be my title back in school ! ! ! ! !

Please I beg you to write more

Ray said...

lol Crys..this one freakd me out n u know y..!!!

bt really another very nice poem...i am damn sure for whoever have u written it will touch him/her a lot..!!

who ever that person is very lucky to have u as a friend..!!to have known u have a poem dedicated to...!!!
bt about this Poem simply Splendid n touching..!!

Vignesh Iyer said...

dis one is quiet touchy!
Words well put in work...
another gr8 piece of urs!!

torque said...
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torque said...

friends u marty u dedicatin a poem to xpress ur sorry heh?he he nice poem lasso...
i especially liked these lines

"Two unknown souls,
Two different minds.
Two unique idea,
Two rare delights.
Chance collided upon them
Projecting them towards"

true a chance collision it is bu thow often such collisions flower into an everlastin friendship ......indeed wen i saw your poem i got reminded of my own friends who r all goin on in different ways in pursuit of their careers nd i kno one thing gal,make sure u email this poem to the king of flirts....he may ignore your apology...but u wont regret it...i did all i culd to make sure tat we wuld remain in touch with each othr...wat we do may fall into deaf ears(in ur case he deaf ears wuld be pride n in my case,it may be the importance of our careers) but i think i will neva regret it...i did wat i culd[:D] same goes for wat u can...u will neva regret it