Sunday, July 29, 2007

An Ode to the WOMAN

Finally a woman bends...
Dark times envelope
A little household
With one man, his wife
And their little children.
Harsh words are exchanged
As the children grow up.
The adults find it unbearable
To stand the other's company.
A growl, a stomp
An enraged bang on the
Ancient expensive wooden desk.
Fury at its ultimate;
Anger at its peak.
A brewing storm breaks free now...
Threats, warnings, blackmail.
And the children growing up
Amidst the anguish
Amidst the pain
Amidst the anger
Amidst the fury.
There is a house to run,
The children need to grow,
Their health, is all that matters.
Education is necessary, so what?
At least they can read and write!
Utter chaos commotion in the house.
There is perhaps a better life ahead.
Yet, the woman bends.
She gets up and clears the mess created,
Picks up the broken, fallen pieces
Scattered all over the ground.
Makes sure that no glass piece,
Lies about so that
The children hurt themselves,
And yet she misses one...
Sadly, she misses one.
It pinches, it pains;
It reveals itself
Most hideously in the form
Of a deep cut,
Deep enough to reach the soul and scar it,
Give nightmares to the little children,
Mould them into the heartless beings
She always wanted to save them from.

"Whose fault is it, though?" asks someone.
"Of course, the woman's!" replies another.
"Why so?"
"She missed the piece of glass!
She did not perform her duties well!"
The other adult...
The dominant one,
Rejoiced by the orthodox,
Rather, the insignificant fools.
And, as always, the woman bends.
Gives in to the stick-straight pride of men,
That if bent, will break,
Lacking flexibility
Because every bit of it
Lies in the women who bend.

We continue to survive
We continue to stirve
All because, sometime,
Somewhere in the past,
When we were children,
Growing up...
A woman had finally bent,
To become out back bone,
Supporting us through
Think and thin of life,
With us through our
Darkest hours of need,
Not caring if she rested or not,
Just to ensure we were sound.
There is no amount of gratitude,
That may repay what she does for us...
A higher person, might just aim,
At being a better person
Than his present personality.
A lower person, might just write
A poem and forget about it later.
While the others, just watch and read
And pretend to admire and enjoy
The greatness equivalents in person and verses
While passiveness fills
Their hearts to the brim.

As the world continues to revolve,
As the sun continues to shine,
As the wind continues to blow,
As the sea continues its rise and fall,
A woman continues to bend,
For there are morales she needs to mend.
And thus, the woman finally bends.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Two sides to the same coin

Dusk appears over the landscape
Yet the moon seems hopeful.
Days are bright and cheerful,
But it is the night that seems happy.
A little treasure box,
Its lid inscribed, with verses
With words unspoken
With poems unwritten
With stories unheard.
The sun, trapped.
With only its radiance revealed
Through tiny gaps and holes.
Its heat of utmost agony.
On an ancient string of feelings
Occur some flaws with time.
The thread wears out
Through constant use.
Bonds weaken, energy is lost.
The heart, mind and soul,
Collapse under the pressure
Of the tension created.
The two ends of the lifeline,
Pulled across the length
To be ripped apart.
The anguish and pain exceed limit-
And then comes the night...
With its cool breeze
And calm demeanour,
Releases the tension, the stress, the pressure.
Rejuvenating the heart, mind and soul.
The body might bear the marks
But to serve only as bitter-sweet memories
On achieving the ultimate goal.
It is the day that is lost,
And the night that lives on...
The stars maybe out of reach,
At least, the moon appears clear tonight.
Without the sun, the moon is nothing...
Without the sun, the moon is nothing.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Figure this out

I need a theme for this pic :|

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Song in my Heart

It had been hard.
Many obstacles faced,
Many boulders rolled,
Many hailstorms hurt.
The journey was a hard one.
My life was a frayed end of a string;
Things took a turn for the worse,
Then you came along...

A little flame on a cotton wick
In a lamp,
Braved the bellowing wind of insecurity.
A torch went aflame,
Igniting with it a long-lost passion,
Feeding a lonely soul with love.

The flow of feelings,
The muddling up of thoughts,
The mixing up of words,
An experience of a life never lived before,
An experience of a life with love in it,
Where the heart is the king,
The ruler till eternity,
The keeper of hushed whispers
Shared in the dead of the night,
The protector of the feelings
Aroused time and again
By the sweet verses recited,
The preserver of the promises
That can never be broken.

All that was harsh and brittle,
All that was rude and untrue,
Have no meaning in my life anymore,
They have no purpose to serve.
With you by my side, my love,
I am sure to conquer the world.

This feeling of heavenly bliss,
So new to my soul;
Makes me shudder at times,
With every gentle touch;
On an unknown part of me
That I never knew existed.
Which I am being shown
By your faith in me,
By your love for me.
The time that would have been
Had circumstances differed,
Would signify a barren land,
With no life or beauty.
Satisfaction and content
Are being shown to me now,
With the knowledge,
That you are around,
My friend, my love...
My Shadow.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Garfield (for those with a low I.Q.)

Dunno why did I put this...not in my right mind I suppose
Please ignore and continue with your work, I am sure you have more important things to go through :P

Friday, July 06, 2007

Acting out of Impulse

I was sad
I was lonely
It was then when I first met you.
When I needed a shoulder to cry on
You readily provided yours;
I needed a crutch to rest my wounded leg
You happily became one.
How was I to know...
How was I to know
That you walked
On an entirely different path
Although running parallel to mine,
It led to a different destination altogether.
I needed you in the beginning
You provided me with
Everything you had.
Now I want you to be mine
And I sadly realize,
That you can never be mine;
You have and will always belong
To that someone special in your heart.
I remain a mere acquaintance
In this journey you have embarked on.
To you...
I was one of a kind,
And yet unable to touch your heart.
To you...
I have always seemed
Childish, cute, immature.
To you...
I will always remain
The friend you chanced upon once.
But to me...
You have been a guiding light;
A regenerator of my dead spirit.
You have evoked in me the compassion
I had thought was gone forever.
You have shown me happiness,
You filled my life with colours,
Your single touch was warm enough,
To make my heart flutter...

I heave a sad sigh,
As I realize
How wrong it was on my part
To keep to myself, most selfishly,
The most precious friend ever!