Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Two sides to the same coin

Dusk appears over the landscape
Yet the moon seems hopeful.
Days are bright and cheerful,
But it is the night that seems happy.
A little treasure box,
Its lid inscribed, with verses
With words unspoken
With poems unwritten
With stories unheard.
The sun, trapped.
With only its radiance revealed
Through tiny gaps and holes.
Its heat of utmost agony.
On an ancient string of feelings
Occur some flaws with time.
The thread wears out
Through constant use.
Bonds weaken, energy is lost.
The heart, mind and soul,
Collapse under the pressure
Of the tension created.
The two ends of the lifeline,
Pulled across the length
To be ripped apart.
The anguish and pain exceed limit-
And then comes the night...
With its cool breeze
And calm demeanour,
Releases the tension, the stress, the pressure.
Rejuvenating the heart, mind and soul.
The body might bear the marks
But to serve only as bitter-sweet memories
On achieving the ultimate goal.
It is the day that is lost,
And the night that lives on...
The stars maybe out of reach,
At least, the moon appears clear tonight.
Without the sun, the moon is nothing...
Without the sun, the moon is nothing.


Anonymous said...

u r the best at writing!!!!!!!1

...Mystified... said...

May I know who are you

haddows fun said...

well well the moon is here and the sun is still bright, the night has dawned.....but its as bright as mid day light........its a lovely poem.........but has lot of pain and agony written all over.....as usual there are a few scripts which portray confused mind of the author...is really amazing how the flow of this poem gives life to the voice of the reader....
i like this poem ....i hope the author is in a better state of mind and ease at heart by now......take care and if love can make u feel better u have every bit of mine

...Mystified... said...

I'll have to tell what the sun and moon signify here

Unknown said...

wel rish..yup daz true....pain n love r two sid by side things..dey r like two sides of d samr coin...u hvto take one in order to get d oder...coz u wont get one widout hvin d oder.....onoder gr8 poem!

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks vibhor!!!!

Sujit said...

wel said miss.writer.....catchin poem ...last two lines sun without moon n moon without sun was really catchin...wel poem for me appeared as a agony one which has hope n relation n commitment..appeared a pessimist who neva gives up way to go.......gr88 goin....dose last two lines r really kool....gud work..

...Mystified... said...

thanks for commenting suji...but read those last two lines again, will you :P

still life said...

what is day without the night
what is happieness without despair

...Mystified... said...

Er...I'll have to tell you what the sun and moon mean here too...

Hoppy said...

well marty

unless v hav d nyt hw else wud v realise hw much v miss d day

widout sorows dre wudn b ne value of our happiness

evrythin has a dull side too or else hw wud v knw wat d bright side is?

awsm piece
jst amazin
wndr whre wre u till nw

jst keep posting
