Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Realm of Misunderstandings

Give away,
For in giving,
You receive.
Smile away,
For in smiling,
You glow.
Hope away,
For in hoping,
You believe.

Beat away,
Oh! Sweet heart,
Beat away,
For in beating,
You live...
You live, you energize,
You re-kindle an extinguished spirit,
You urge a forgotten thought.
You calm a pressurized mind,
You soothe a tormented soul.

Whisper away,
Oh! Lush lips,
Whisper away,
For in whispering,
You instill faith, long lost,
You clear the mist of misunderstandings,
You rejoice in expression,
You vent subdued feelings.

Sway away,
Oh! Silky hair,
Sway away,
For in swaying,
You unleash a disguised power,
You let loose the trapped energy,
You reveal a hidden magical essence,
You unravel the realm of misunderstandings.

Go away!
Memories of the good times say,
Go away!
Oh! Mist of misunderstandings,
Let my heart live,
Let my lips whisper,
Let my hair sway.
Let me prosper,
Let me flourish...
In my giving, yet not receiving,
In my smiling, yet not glowing,
In my hoping, yet not believing...

In my waiting, yet not obtaining.


Unknown said...

hey young lady!!!

gosh how long DO YOU take 2 post sweety...

ho have u been

btw this poem of urs...its nice..n yet..

not quite you........i cnt seem 2 point it out...but sumthing is really diffrnt..

mabbe id cum bak n commnt second tym round..

as usual am sneaking in at the momnt.. :P

oh btw this is aashi!!

...Mystified... said...

Thanks for your comment shiya- sorry aashi :P-
I don't really expect anyone to comprehend this poem...or I really don't expect any comment for this poem...it was written in the heat of the moment. I won't be surprised if the significance of the metaphors is an enigma to the readers...