Sunday, October 26, 2008

Inner Radiance

Look at the world
Through the eyes of
My innocence;
You will observe
Nothing but alienation
Of souls-- cherished souls--
From the want to be strong.

Look at the world
Through the eyes of
My care;
You will observe
Only fear
Of trading destiny
For fortune
(Always confusing the two
To be same).

Look at the world
Through the eyes of
My hardwork;
And you will never see much.

Look at the world
Through the eyes of
My solitude;
You will observe
Undying, uncontrolled pace,
To reach the peak
Of ultimate greatness and success
(Not knowing which path
Really leads to them).

Look at the world
For yourself,
Realize the importance
Of sincerity,
Unleash the brilliance
You were born with,
And cherish then
The beauty your soul feels.


Unknown said...

Speachless.. truly amazing *hugs*

...Mystified... said...


Ananya said...

brilliance, u r a true poet :)

...Mystified... said...

Hey juvenile, thanks!!

Aashi said...

hey young lady..... marty ur amazing with the pen...and uv alwys knwn tht...this is anuthr masterpiece...although...i thikn uv put a lot of thot in this poem...somehow...the flow seems ministerd....

i may b wrong..but tht doesnt diminish ur brilliance in anyway....

gud job! :D

...Mystified... said...

Hey aashi...I don't think I am a good poet. I don't know how a good poet is defined. Poems are an expression on thoughts aren't they? When did we start categorising them?? Hmm...maybe I could right a poem on this :P
It felt really good to have got a comment from you. Thanks >:D<

Aashi said...

its an honour 2 knw u sweety...hope u soon take a book out on poems.. :)

Anwesh said...

Hmm, good poem.. The thought-processing behind such a work must have been really good..

There is good flow in the poem which is an absolute necessity and it's not much of a drag..

Good choice of words and the framing of sentences is also good..

I guess i will give this an 8/10!

Keep smiling :)

Unknown said...

any new poem on the verge of being posted marty???

...Mystified... said...

oops...sorry, but no poems as of now...exam fever on :P. This blog will remain sedantary till mid-may. Put off all hopes for a poem till then. :)

Aashi said...

may is long gone my precious :P

waddup marty......patiently waiting for sum new magic ....

Anonymous said...

Darling, darling, darling sister.

I read your poem again today, and it made me laugh outrageously at myself. Thanks, you are beautiful.

Can I make a request? Will you please write me a poem on the following:

1. A poisoned cabbage in a healthy field
2. A rotten apple in a fresh fruit basket
3. A black sheep in a flock of lambs
4. A decaying flower in a temple
5. A leaf detached from a Mango tree in autumn

Any one? Please?

Sunny Bhaiya

...Mystified... said... need to explain what you mean dear brother...for I am still too naive for grown up talk.

Unknown said...

hey cool . i really liked it.
sort of a saunet