Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shadows of the Past

To the years of pain,
To memories insane-

I was immature
And naïve,
Thus the mistakes I made.
I was lonely,
Lost and forgotten,
Thus the company I gained.
In the mist of the misunderstanding
That you created
I fought,
And I fought hard with myself
Not only to regain
My lost faith
But also to regain
My life.

Abandoned and uncared for
I move on now.
Alive with renewed vigour
I move on now
From the dirty talks,
From the insane fights,
From unachievable dreams
And unimaginable goals.
The unworthy sights
Of a brighter future
I shall never dream of again;
The nightmares
Of loneliness and sorrow
Will never bother me
For the love
You made me lose
Could never exist
With only one support
To lean on.

So farewell,
Old times;
Farewell! For
You could never,
Never be mine.


Vignesh Iyer said...

Gud one..

a rather positive movin on wit life..!! :)

...Mystified... said...

thank you :)

Unknown said...

hey nice!a few words here n dre wud hv made it better though!bt a very nice subject!moving on...few ppl r able to do it..