Monday, March 26, 2007

Current State of Affairs

I sat by the window,
Staring out at the rain.
Feeling the greyness everywhere,
Outside and within me.
I have been like this,
For quite some time now.
No rays of hope shine,
I have not seen the sun,
For quite some time now.
All dreams came crashing down,
On my encountering REALITY.
A sad state it is indeed,
To have lost,
And to continue losing.
All my attempts,
All my efforts,
To regain the lost me,
To regenerate from the ashes,
Have failed miserably.
I am lost...
I climb to the top
Of a pile of boulders,
And look down upon
The world I prepare to leave behind.
I find clusters
of people.
Some big, some small,
But all distinct
In their own special way.
I look down,
All of them are there,
Enjoying the cool breeze
Of their own unique achievements.
I find them,
And locate them all,
Save one.
The one standing
Right beside me.
With his hand in mine,
And lips
Uttering a promise,
To never let go,
To be there for me,
Whenever I may need him.
Bringing colour back,
To my blank life.
Subtly and slowly,
Touching every nook,
Every corner,
With not rainbow pastels,
But mild hues.
Things have become
So moist,
By the endless tears I shed,
That the colour spreads fast.
Before I can catch up with it
It spreads itself,
Before I can catch up with it
Like fire in some wild forest.
Covering me completely,
Consuming me,
Occupying my soul.
One tiny part remains though,
It detaches itself.
No longer under influence,
It lives on free and independent.
It is adamant about it.
It is stubborn.
It is free.
It is happy.
That grey piece,
That blank grey piece,
Is me.
- Me


Anonymous said...

it's really cool..very nice to read as da inner feelings of a person is potrayed..
rock on dude..

still life said...

very nice marty but would love to hear some thing more cheerful

woof wooof woooof woooof wooof woof woof woof woof

pls cheer up

All about ORKUT said...

hey..... :O :O are u the author really??????? :O :O?

Unknown said...

well, that was a very honest.
why so sad, huh?
give me a call sometime....keep in touch
cheer up huh.
the world is a beautiful place.
but you know, there is nothing more beautiful than the satisfaction that your expression has done justice to your feelings.
all the best
rockin' blog

Anonymous said...

Darth Arjun,

Sure...I'll give you a call...only, I don't have your number...(sarcasm pours)

Ray said...

Don't know if u meant it be that way or not...but it feels Romantic to me..n u know i m crazy abt romantic stuff..!!

Very touching..and it has that soft feeling to it..!!

it arouses a lot of emotions in me...a lot of stuff in this one..n i wud say my Favorite it is after reading all ur work..!!

bt all ur poems are soo sad..!!yeah v do write wen v r sad..!!

Unknown said...

2oooooooo long gul.......
nywayz gud work and very superb litrery anger...

Anonymous said...

2oooooooo long gul.......
nywayz gud work and very superb litrery anger...