Friday, April 06, 2007

Thy Perception

Not blank, nor grey
Yes, there lies a blot
A smudge of ink
On stark-white paper
As does with everybody.
And yet there is a difference;
A variation does exist.
A face, sharp with features,
Best seen in dim radiance,
Transparent with its mysteries...
A mischief brews,
A spark dares to shine
Sheltered in the deep reaches
Of a blackened universe.
Struggling every instant,
To outshine darkness.
Will it succeed?
Mind knows not.
What lies ahead?
Fate tells not.
A few more patches,
Scatter here and there.
Fates makes it tough
Wisdom lends a hand;
Sorrow declares war,
Shrewdness wins it.
Priorities rearrange themselves,
And thus is born,
A Human.

Of verses and lines,
Of phrases and words,
I know nothing.
The perception remains yours.
Think what you might,
For the freedom
Is always yours.

- Me

An Anonymously Famous puppy,

Though no amount of honour can replace a belly rub,
Here is a little dedication to thine honour

A vampire who strives in your lust for life.


Anonymous said...

Nothing save one other has touched my heart and ignited a flame such as this, a flame which surpasses all earthly beauty and even the beauty of the heavens, a flame which no wind may blow out, a flame which causes darkness to flee, a flame which warms our hearts with joy. Slowly this flame consumes my body and my mind and soul I let free into the universe but I send to you a thought and a fragment of my soul, a thought that may ever reflect the times we laughed and felt so close even and we were parted by unknown distance; a fragment of my soul so I may live within you and for ever be together and remind you that some where you made someone happy you made someone smile, you made someone’s life easier to live.

still life said...

woooof wooooof woooof

puppy dog verry happy!!!!!!!

wooof woooof woooof

Anonymous said...

a peaceful choice of words with a pure thought....good work ....wish to see more....anybody who knows english can really see the simpleness and child thoughts in the of the sweetest lyrics ive read in some months now...... amazingly good........

Ray said... are the nxt Shakespeare....we are the Lucky ones cos v get to see ur Masterpieces..n yes they are...!!!
this one is too fantastic...i can nvr imagine dat sum1 ur age can write so well n soo maturely..!!

you can go a long way n really no improvemnt needed n no change also..its as good as it is..!!and watevr u write will be always..!!

its a pleasure to read ur poems n ponder on thm...n isnt dats how poems shud make one feel..???