Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Shadow of Doubt

A shadow follows me day and night...
Is it mine?


Anonymous said...

of course the shadow must be yours how! how can it follow u everywhere then!

...Mystified... said...

Stop being practical for once, kishen!!

Pawan Kumar said...

this one is a good shot...the vase looks elegant..with the flowers on it..a perfect angle for d shadow keep rocking crys...

Ayan said...

Its awesome.....This thought....has got a million of meanings to explore...a philosopher can have a different sensation out from this....a romeo....may explain this in a different way.. .. a mathematician will see it digitally!!!! so there lies d whole new world and universe!!!!
-Arya (he's using my id)

...Mystified... said...

Pawann...the best photographer of all yet to analyze it...thanks anyways

...Mystified... said...

Its good to know you have a vivid'll prove useful ;)

Anonymous said...


well i dont know what to say

sorry but i didnt like the pic tooo much

but the title covers it up
sorry but i am a student of photography i am trained to look at it this way

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks anony...
but sadly I don't consider anonymous comments ;)

Anonymous said...


...Mystified... said...

though anony,
you might wanna check other recent posts of mine

Anonymous said...

nothin too good bout this....jus shows ur confused....

...Mystified... said...

Look at the poems shadows...the poems...
I know this isn't that good...I couldn't think of anything either...

Hoppy said...

well crys dat is nt jst a shadow its smthin much more dan dat

its a reflectn of ur own inner soul which is lost under all dat learnd behaiviur u hav learnd due to d pressure of d civilisatn

its u bt u cant recognise d shadow cos d real u is lost in dis mean nd showoff wrld

nd dats d case wid all nt jst u:)

...Mystified... said...

Wow man shubhi!!!!
God!!! That was amazing!!!
I guess I couldn't have put it better myself :D

Unknown said...

nope...........there are times when even u don believe in urself but someone else does.....
so if u compare the shadow to belief...
then its definitely that special some1 we all deserve to have, who believs in everyhting we set our sights on...
ie:the shadow that follows us everywhere.....

Unknown said...

and wats with hoppy??
the only thing lost in her post was me!!!

...Mystified... said...

Leave hoppy alone!!!!
And the hell do you do it??
You got the exact meaning out!!!
Man, great minds do think alike :P

Unknown said...

im not doin anything to her....just expressin my views......
my view is that she wrtote a lot of complicated crap!!!!

Amrita Gada said...

mayy b its ur reflectn who neva went out into d lamp lite..

who always hid behind d superficial u...yea d stuff shubhz wrote!

n dat part is visible only to u n d special sum1 bt u cnt c it coz its ur owm part...its he who ll pierce thru it n realise d whole of u! ;)
this sums up nik's part as well :)