Friday, June 01, 2007

Too Young, yet, Too Old

We sat in the mud
We played by the stones
We danced in the rain
With happiness nobody owns.
It makes me wonder then
What caused our separation?
Did we drown in our miseries...
And forget the world in desperation?
We are far apart now
Too far away to come close again.
There is no turning back now...
No more dancing in the rain.
It takes a strong effort
To live in what is called the PRESENT
It remains a game of logic though
And for logic alone it is meant.
I preach not
About forgetting the past
For, ever instance is a lesson
Its up to you to make it last.
There are stones in the path
There are gates barring the way
Let's keep the goal in mind throughout
A goal we will achieve someday.
A trial is always a must
To renew broken connections
An attempt is always worth
The watch, the wait, the tension.
Look for no morals here
For you may find none
Listen to your heart beating
For it beats for some.
If we were to know our purpose
Life would not be a path
Experience would not teach
There would be no WRATH.


Vignesh Iyer said...

Well Said Marty!! :D
nice one!!

Pawan Kumar said...

This describes something.. the rain...the play...the dance...but its all cycling for me in i guess most of us may get nostalgic..!!
And i would like to to add that the last part was excellent...purpose...:D
well done...bravo..

Unknown said...

rish u hv a flair fr it!!!
go on!
hone ur talent!!!!

...Mystified... said...

Thanks a lot guys...
but...somehow...this isn't my best as yet ;)

still life said...

my sweet u have done it again rendered me speachless great work

Sujit said...

Wel , gud work done....but stil u can write in a bttr way i guess...gud way to take the poemz frm art to liviliness....felt lik this poemz has some life... :D

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks guys :D
*blushing* :P
@ suji - YOU COMMENTED!! :O:O:O :P

Anand said...
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Anand said...

Well Mystified, the poem was not wat i would really call beautiful but it had its role in makin me think!
i just couldnt string some of the stanza's together. I myt be wrong but i felt u wrote abt urself! Well written but the connectivity aint there! build upon it and u myt find ur hidden gem!

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks a bunch anand...
yeah you are right...I am myself not that satisfied with this particular poem.

Hoppy said...

well crys d peice is gud
bt smwhre it lacks continuity

d thots r gud bt dey cud hav been done in a betr more continous way:)


Aashi said...

what made u write this crys??..:O i agree with mai myself...its broken....n yet....there is sumthing raw abt the poem tht attrcts ....

dunno if u ever do edit it....wud tht essence th rawness remain....but then thts up2 u...gud job nontheless :)

...Mystified... said...

Nah aashi...I hate this poem...and that has led me to the conclusion...I am never going to try rhyming ever again, it just isn't me :D

Unknown said...

it really is awesum i must say..
takes u in this deep worl of thought.......quite a talent!

Unknown said...

can really connect with this one!!!

...Mystified... said...

nikhil....there is only one thing about this poem that stands out...its randomness and patheticness...
are you sure you relate???

Unknown said...

wat crap??!!
haha.........go ahead put urself down if u want.....ill join in(gladly;))
but i still like this poema nd can still connect with it......