Monday, June 25, 2007


I lie deep beneath the land
Waiting since time immemorial;
Witnessing evolution impose itself,
Segregating the cunning from the innocent,
Deep within a fiery pit
Lying in the brightest form,
I shift, I wrestle; I suffocate.
My countless efforts
Create tremors of destruction
And yet, progress is unbound;
Development is the only way.
Dormancy needn't be ignorance,
Just a way of collecting thoughts,
Another attempt at concentration
And restoration of energy.
No more shifts, no more wrestling,
This coop can bar me no more!
As always, my time will come,
When history will repeat itself,
When development will melt
In the heat of my mirth.
Failure has left no room in me,
Only success can cleanse me now.
Destruction of my ill-wishers,
Reduction of ignorant by-standers,
Redemption of all hopes on me.
I will come alive now,
To make a new beginning,
To claim what is mine
My freedom, my liberty.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

My Black Ink Pen

A dull sky above
A breath of exhilaration
With the wind in my hair
And a heart beating fast...
A friendly exchange of words,
Our first meet.
Dreams soaring high
Uneventful and yet intertwined lives.
Poetic significance furthered,
Rhythmic sequences spread around,
Satisfaction unbound.
An unending journey,
To a destination unknown...
The only insight to my life,
Records of umpteen memories,
Fulfilling only one purpose
Of stringing beads of words
Into sentences of purity;
To write a story of a little body
With a tiny mind,
And a small world,
Revolving around
Scores of strings of deformed phrases.
Unfinished verses, unknown faces,
And yet a sure path.
With the smell of power, of liberty...
The only obstacle, a pause;
A chaos filled mind, and yet,
An orderly summary...
An abridged dream,
Unfulfilled desire of the heart.
Mixed up words,
Sentences don't make sense anymore;
All that remains is
An unspoken story
Of a little body, with a tiny mind
Living in a small world;
With a new sharpness,
And corrections forming history;
Where errors ha
ve no role to play.
The only rhythm is
The heart beating fast
At this entwining of destinies
And the wind blowing fast...
Thus lies the power in
My black ink pen.

A young brother

All this mystery of a kind can say is...Congratulations!!

A vampire, who lived through what you experience now.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Too Young, yet, Too Old

We sat in the mud
We played by the stones
We danced in the rain
With happiness nobody owns.
It makes me wonder then
What caused our separation?
Did we drown in our miseries...
And forget the world in desperation?
We are far apart now
Too far away to come close again.
There is no turning back now...
No more dancing in the rain.
It takes a strong effort
To live in what is called the PRESENT
It remains a game of logic though
And for logic alone it is meant.
I preach not
About forgetting the past
For, ever instance is a lesson
Its up to you to make it last.
There are stones in the path
There are gates barring the way
Let's keep the goal in mind throughout
A goal we will achieve someday.
A trial is always a must
To renew broken connections
An attempt is always worth
The watch, the wait, the tension.
Look for no morals here
For you may find none
Listen to your heart beating
For it beats for some.
If we were to know our purpose
Life would not be a path
Experience would not teach
There would be no WRATH.