Monday, June 25, 2007


I lie deep beneath the land
Waiting since time immemorial;
Witnessing evolution impose itself,
Segregating the cunning from the innocent,
Deep within a fiery pit
Lying in the brightest form,
I shift, I wrestle; I suffocate.
My countless efforts
Create tremors of destruction
And yet, progress is unbound;
Development is the only way.
Dormancy needn't be ignorance,
Just a way of collecting thoughts,
Another attempt at concentration
And restoration of energy.
No more shifts, no more wrestling,
This coop can bar me no more!
As always, my time will come,
When history will repeat itself,
When development will melt
In the heat of my mirth.
Failure has left no room in me,
Only success can cleanse me now.
Destruction of my ill-wishers,
Reduction of ignorant by-standers,
Redemption of all hopes on me.
I will come alive now,
To make a new beginning,
To claim what is mine
My freedom, my liberty.


Anonymous said...

very nice work.....i think u have a deep feelin of revolt inside ya which is the real reason for it to creep out like dis.....very strong descriptions n critical resemblance to a weapon to mass destrust in yourself...anyway lovely work keep it up!

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks anony...try posting with a name next time ;)

still life said...

hey girl
your a real kick ass rebel?
i am all with your N-W-O

amazing poem i really like ur flow
sparky but yet chillin funny na

i dont understand half the things i say

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks johan!!!
Well I agree with you man...I don't understand half the things you say either :P

still life said...

stop calling me JOHAN
or i shall call u something too
oh damn i forgot ur name again

still life said...

and why is your hedder image soooo large!?!?!?!?!?

...Mystified... said...

its a wallpaper :P

...Mystified... said...

Sorry johan...won't call you johan ever again...I swear...JOHAN!! :P:D:P

still life said...

ok sweetie pie u asked for it my cutie lil cupcake

still life said...

ello no reply u pissed?

still life said...

sorry woof woof wooof sorry

still life said...

helo again
r u angry?
if so
dont be
u know
i was
trying to
irritate u
reply back
tell me
if u r
i think
u r
i hope
u r
i will

...Mystified... said...

Cool it puppy dog!!
I wasn't pissed...I have just been away for like a really long time...sorry :P

...Mystified... said...

Infact...I actually kinda liked it ;)

still life said...

u mean person u like being away???

u hurt the doggy side of me
puppy walks away with his tail stiff in the air

...Mystified... said...

Eh doggy!!
Who said I like being again dummy!!!

Unknown said...

hmmm.....wel dat ws wat i call d power of self belief n determination to do smthing..if u hv faith in urself u can do anythin....dis poem is an example of mere will power a person can make himself strong enough to fyt d obstacles in lyf....dis is d msg of d poem rish?

...Mystified... said...

You didn't find any faults with this poem, Vibhor! That's surprising!!

Hoppy said...

dats more lyk d crys i knw :D

well actually dats wat hapens wen u hav sufferd for long.

i nvr knew smone cud actually pen d process dwn

i salute ya


(u r bound to get confused wid d name hoppy:P;)

Sam said...

wonderful!!! rebellious.. i like dat!! the fighting spirit displayed shoudl also be part of your persona lady... its den dat u shall succeed... else these words shall mock you often!!

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks Shubhi, Sam really appreciate your going through my poems like makes me feel great.
Once again thanks...enjoy!

Aashi said...

a shadow of ur nature...a thing i have seen in u alwys crys...tht anger tht flair...its raw....go on n pls dnt stop...ur best works wud b out in this phase.....

i think all the commnts talk of the rebel in u.....for me too....and yet... dnt forget to think focusing ur rebellious nature...tht wud give u huge n fruitful results m'dear...which u really deserve

...Mystified... said...

Man aashi!!!!
I dunno what to say
I'll just settle with thanks...
(I know its crude, but I am humbled)

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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