Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Garfield (for those with a low I.Q.)

Dunno why did I put this...not in my right mind I suppose
Please ignore and continue with your work, I am sure you have more important things to go through :P


still life said...

Garfiel looks like my cat browney lol!!!!
and hes is as lazy as him too

Aashi said...

lolzzz....nice to see a not so serious post here.,.. :P

...Mystified... said...

Rock on guys!!! :P

Anonymous said...

wat can i say..........lolllllll

...Mystified... said...

Hey Mr. Fury,
You still furious???
I thought this post could help you laugh :P

haddows fun said...

well im laughin too ur crazy ...wr ddi u come up with i s idea....

...Mystified... said...

Something on moi shoulders called moi head :P

Unknown said...

well m nt sure marty deres smthin between ur earsn above ur shoulders:P :P..anyway dis is a refreshin change!

...Mystified... said...

Why thank you vibhor!
I am sure it was refreshing for you atleast ;)

Unknown said...

well it is kinda cute so even if u put it here im sure no one minds!

...Mystified... said...

ahem...well...some of them, better not! :|

Amrita Gada said...

hope he finds sumthn to munch!

mart...u gotta servr him casual poems! ;)[or he ll tear d whole page down :P]