Sunday, July 29, 2007

An Ode to the WOMAN

Finally a woman bends...
Dark times envelope
A little household
With one man, his wife
And their little children.
Harsh words are exchanged
As the children grow up.
The adults find it unbearable
To stand the other's company.
A growl, a stomp
An enraged bang on the
Ancient expensive wooden desk.
Fury at its ultimate;
Anger at its peak.
A brewing storm breaks free now...
Threats, warnings, blackmail.
And the children growing up
Amidst the anguish
Amidst the pain
Amidst the anger
Amidst the fury.
There is a house to run,
The children need to grow,
Their health, is all that matters.
Education is necessary, so what?
At least they can read and write!
Utter chaos commotion in the house.
There is perhaps a better life ahead.
Yet, the woman bends.
She gets up and clears the mess created,
Picks up the broken, fallen pieces
Scattered all over the ground.
Makes sure that no glass piece,
Lies about so that
The children hurt themselves,
And yet she misses one...
Sadly, she misses one.
It pinches, it pains;
It reveals itself
Most hideously in the form
Of a deep cut,
Deep enough to reach the soul and scar it,
Give nightmares to the little children,
Mould them into the heartless beings
She always wanted to save them from.

"Whose fault is it, though?" asks someone.
"Of course, the woman's!" replies another.
"Why so?"
"She missed the piece of glass!
She did not perform her duties well!"
The other adult...
The dominant one,
Rejoiced by the orthodox,
Rather, the insignificant fools.
And, as always, the woman bends.
Gives in to the stick-straight pride of men,
That if bent, will break,
Lacking flexibility
Because every bit of it
Lies in the women who bend.

We continue to survive
We continue to stirve
All because, sometime,
Somewhere in the past,
When we were children,
Growing up...
A woman had finally bent,
To become out back bone,
Supporting us through
Think and thin of life,
With us through our
Darkest hours of need,
Not caring if she rested or not,
Just to ensure we were sound.
There is no amount of gratitude,
That may repay what she does for us...
A higher person, might just aim,
At being a better person
Than his present personality.
A lower person, might just write
A poem and forget about it later.
While the others, just watch and read
And pretend to admire and enjoy
The greatness equivalents in person and verses
While passiveness fills
Their hearts to the brim.

As the world continues to revolve,
As the sun continues to shine,
As the wind continues to blow,
As the sea continues its rise and fall,
A woman continues to bend,
For there are morales she needs to mend.
And thus, the woman finally bends.


...Mystified... said...

Ok, I know not a very nice ode...but I am trying my level best

still life said...

some how this would be better had u just writen it down plain and simple

...Mystified... said...

hmmmm...yeah, sure...will work on it

Aashi said...

Unbelievable…..amazing…why is it that every time I feel you couldn’t do better you outshine your previous works. A comman plight of a woman. And yet it is she who has the strength enough to bend so much. It is she god knows could bear the pain and do that thankless job. A mother is hurt by each of us and thus we prosper. A shame but a fact we just cant do without. Brilliant piece of work young lady ..magnificent!!!

N no I dnt agree that you needed to be simple here. Those were strong words…and they touched…and trust me the very essence of the poem lies in its complexity of thought …and youv definatlyused simple words which pinch straight at the heart.

Hey crys sry for not being able to comment more often..lyfs a maniac latly…btw chck

I wrote a poem on mother..u myt find a few lines link to this article too!!!

still life said...

hey r u a sleep?
y is it all non singels are tooo bzy to post?

...Mystified... said...

@ aashi - I am honoured you could find time to comment, and that too so beautifully :)
Thanks a bunch!! You are always so motivating!!

@ puppy - Sorry dude...but this blog is going to remain stagnant for a while to study for exams :(

Aashi said...

dnt be stupid crys...i hope u aint pulling my leg.. :P

n i agree with still lykta see more of ur works........

newyz tc..n keep writing wenevr u can sweety!!!

Amrita Gada said...

its so damn true!
resembles d woman of evry age..of evry soil!

bt thn dun forget tht those stoopings also r d bows she takes fr d compliments she gets [though nt so oftn] frm d society!:)

she dominates her kids' hearts!

v cnt help it bt v cnt live widout her! :)

gr8 wrk crysti di!

still life said...

miss vapmy frm mars
i wish i could find some thing new but ur studies come first n u are bzy with mr um ah eeer ok his name me not know but take a break and write and comment on my flickr thanking u berry buch --dog
(i have grown up)

...Mystified... said...

Doggy...really sorry for not having posted anything...but going through an uninspired phase...will return soon that's for sure...and congrats on having grown up...but why so soon??? Pups are more fun :P

...Mystified... said...

@aashi no pulling legs...will give you more poems soon but focusing on getting a few poems published in some magazine or's the idea?? ;)

still life said...

i am angry with u

itss been too long

i told u

i would

dont tell me its because of him

i know it is

pls write

or i will

i will

tell mr brown and he will eat you
yes vapmies frm mars r his fav

...Mystified... said...

Dude...why on earth are you angry???

still life said...

i am angry because ur not posting,
because ur too bzy with ur bf
and i will tell mr brown to eat you because u make me angry

PS be safe rather than sorry (9months is a long time) LoL

...Mystified... said...

Your question back at you...what is spam doing here???
One more crazy thing like that and every post of yours will be deleted and I mean it...
Regarding posts, gimme a few more weeks...please...exams coming up, me damn scared...and stop the bf crap :x

Hoppy said...

hey crys dats awsm

rilly touchin
sm of d thots which occr to evryone bt hardly a few hav d capability to put dese dwn in to wrds

so glad to hav met smone who cud actually do dat.....

hats off to u marty

jst keep rytin

Aashi said...

not a bad idea crys!!.. :D

go for it n dnt forget 2 inform me!!!! :)

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks a lot "hoppy" really appreciate your writing in...
@ aashi...sure I will ;)

Unknown said...

hey rish...hows u?long time no c!
dis poem is a harsh reality!
it hits in d face..every1 knows it coz dey hv seen it or felt it in one way or d oder....but few ppl do anything abt it....well n ya only a lady has d strength to forgo her pride b4 d duties she has to perform...

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks for commenting vibhor...didn't know you visited my blog too...