Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Song in my Heart

It had been hard.
Many obstacles faced,
Many boulders rolled,
Many hailstorms hurt.
The journey was a hard one.
My life was a frayed end of a string;
Things took a turn for the worse,
Then you came along...

A little flame on a cotton wick
In a lamp,
Braved the bellowing wind of insecurity.
A torch went aflame,
Igniting with it a long-lost passion,
Feeding a lonely soul with love.

The flow of feelings,
The muddling up of thoughts,
The mixing up of words,
An experience of a life never lived before,
An experience of a life with love in it,
Where the heart is the king,
The ruler till eternity,
The keeper of hushed whispers
Shared in the dead of the night,
The protector of the feelings
Aroused time and again
By the sweet verses recited,
The preserver of the promises
That can never be broken.

All that was harsh and brittle,
All that was rude and untrue,
Have no meaning in my life anymore,
They have no purpose to serve.
With you by my side, my love,
I am sure to conquer the world.

This feeling of heavenly bliss,
So new to my soul;
Makes me shudder at times,
With every gentle touch;
On an unknown part of me
That I never knew existed.
Which I am being shown
By your faith in me,
By your love for me.
The time that would have been
Had circumstances differed,
Would signify a barren land,
With no life or beauty.
Satisfaction and content
Are being shown to me now,
With the knowledge,
That you are around,
My friend, my love...
My Shadow.


still life said...

ah yet again add up what ever i have said about ur old post multiply by 2 then by 4 and add 1
for luck and thats about it
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm well done
i got a new name 4 u
Mistress of words
u really know how to play with them

...Mystified... said...

hee hee
thanks little puppy, really appreciate your commenting
however, there is a certain somebody whose comment I wait for >sigh<

Anonymous said...

this one i wud say is simple yet perfect.... a smooth flow of words ... sense of ease and gives the reader a touch of reality.....a lot more can be said but i shall stop with this... i lus love the way u use ur words....

still life said...

Count draculaa!!
3rd time this year
i wont let u rest in peace

...Mystified... said...

Mr. furious
What do you feel about it?? ;)


Anonymous said...

well mystified....i felt ur in a romantic way of life.......and its too good a poem....every word was jus not written but felt before it was put down in words....cheers mate...have fun ....

haddows fun said...

well i cud say one more thing... ur shadow is one lucky person.....thast amazing wat u wrote.......

...Mystified... said...

You know what Mr. fury
Leave my shadow alone!!! :x

haddows fun said...

hahahhahaha........ok u forgot to put in my full name..i aint jus fury

...Mystified... said...

You think I care???

...Mystified... said...

oh btw, Mr. "fury"
Your posting timings have a surprising symmetry...;)

haddows fun said...

lollllllll..well im not surprised that being sop good a writing u must be a goood observer....hats of to u babe... well i wish i was ur shadows.... il love to kick such a brat like u ....jus kidding>>>>

...Mystified... said...

I am going to pretend I didn't read that comment :|

Where is puppy, btw??

Unknown said...

hmmmm marty!i loved d pic u hv chosen fr dis poem..its so much apt fr dis poem...d song of heart as if sm fire has been ignited in it...the fire of love!!!!!....i think dis is one of ur finest wrks i hv read til now...i really feel u 'll do much betta writin romantic poems rather dan dose sad ones...full marks on dis one..though i hv an inkling how dis gr8 piece happened n frm frm u got dis inspiration!:P

still life said...

me here marty just have not been keeping up to date
wooof wooof
btw mr brown is playing with lizards i think it going to end up dead

still life said...

and to ur question
count dracula aka certain somebody
aka this guy aka my friend from school
been beating me all the time hes just 1 step ahead of me all the time

...Mystified... said...

Alright...let's see now
@ Vibhor
The inspiration is a certain somebody ;) (I needn't say further) :P

@ Puppy
Well, I dunno any friend of yours from school sorry...Infact, I dunno any friend of yours at all!!! :O

Unknown said...

simply amazing .. :)
this is too god.. crysty ur jst d best .. the flow of this poem is simply captivating .. so beautiful .. :) ur d best !!! :)

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks Neil!!!

Unknown said...

i don wanna say anything else bout it cause im not as good with words as she is and ill just end up ruining the comment.....
altogether beautiful!!!

...Mystified... said...

hee hee
Man...thanks :D

Unknown said...

hey this is a really beautiful piece of work i must say i never knew u had sucha talent n its realli romantic too i guess describes ur state of mind well!!!!!
just one word brilliant!

...Mystified... said...


Bored_teenager said...

Rishika your poem was awesome! it shows us how great love can be and at the same time its fragile nature...shows us that you are trying to open up to someone with your heart and yet you are scared to do so....but wow seriously awesome poem....never knew u had it in ya gal...keep up the grt work