Friday, December 07, 2007

Tired of Holding on to Nothing

They started off as
Two inseparable soulmates.
When one whispered in his heart,
The other listened and felt.
When one hurt himself,
The other bore the pain.
When one was lost,
The other was there to find him.

And then...
Between them, came,
A wall of understanding.
As peculiar as it may seem,
Understanding tore them apart.
This huge wall, the other climbed,
To seek and find him,
And return with him.
This huge wall,
Grew smoother and slipperier,
Making it hard for her,
To reach the top.
Many a times she fell,
Many a times she bruised herself,
Many a times, even when things seemed hopeless,
She never gave up.
While climbing this
Slippery, steep Everest,
She saw him.
She saw him busy,
She saw him not care,
She saw him laugh away...
Did he mirth at her foolishness?
Or was he just too happy to care?
She couldn't understand this,
Did he not care anymore?
Was he too stuck to his comfortable side,
Of this huge, formidable wall,
To look out for her?
She called out to him,
She called out for him,
He heard, never listened,
To her share of miseries.
Yet she called again,
He looked but didn't see,
The hardships she faced.
She tried once more,
He turned but didn't notice,
How she gave herself away.

Then arose out of the wall,
Thorns, of all broken promises,
Forgotten verses, abused dreams.
Piercing her straight through her heart,
Leaving it bleeding profusely.

She let go of the footholds,
To fall on the hard ground,
Never to climb the wall again,
Never to fall in love again.
She got up,
Brushed the dust off as before,
But didn't look back the wall anymore.
Instead, she began carving her own path,
On her side of the wall,
To lead her life the way she wanted to,
Where people would conquer mountains for her,
Where others would,
Give up being understood,
To understand her.
Where love had only one definition:
Her happiness.


Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm well as i always say shit happens.

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks a bunch crysty!!!
that gives me an idea...couldn't have done it without you

Aashi said...

hey crys..... membr me... :P

lolzzz....long tym sweety.but u hvnt lost ur touch at all :)

ok now 2 the poem. WELCUM BAK......

i dunno for the last 2 poems i said sumthing was off..... or at least this peabrain cudnt take it in :D

but this..whoa.....gr8 as usual.although just one itsy bitsy thing.i kinda missed on u knw......the subtlety u give in ur poems.

but then wat i luvd in this poem was just the absense of tht. the fact tht it had a huge msg to give..and was dun simply :)

atta gal!!!

...Mystified... said...

hee hee...thanks a lot aashi...
Well...I will speak frankly...poems aren't supposed to please people who read them but people who write them...and I am doing just that...get my drift?
Thanks for commenting aashi, really appreciate it.


Yeah man...

Aashi said...

hmm well say wat u may....but really crys.....u dnt need 2 work 4 the reader.but then finally we all feel the same dnt we.share the same emotions....howevr unique we may be by nature...... so in essence wat u write shud impact n hit the reader ...

but then to each his own.

although till now i really luv the ode to a woman poem.i think its just a poem tht cannot be outshone.........

i keep reading it everytym i cum here.n get a milion more 2 read it too :)

kudos girl....u alwys amaze me as usual... :)

...Mystified... said...

Well aashi times are changing for me... that's the most I can say about what you may stop observing in my poems from now on...
I really didn't know you went into that great detail...:P
Anyways, thanks a lot again...

dasari said...

a very intersting way to write a poem ... almost felt like a story.. a real one too but cant be too sure of tht part.. feel sad though for the girl in the poem.. she lost more than just her love for her man.. she lost love itself..

but u knw wht.. to be frank it doesnt make me think too much since its potrays a prob which is too well felt by everyone at somepoint in time.. like they say who gives a shit i have my own shit to take care of..

but thanks for giving me the opportunity to read ur poem.. its simple and nice.. sometimes thts wht we miss in our life.. the simplicity..

Unknown said...

hey rish!very heartfelt poem dis!...n deep too....only u could hv written such an itense poem....u r really gud yar!..keep at it...all d best!

Ananya said...

i'm lost for words.. really! has such a deep meaning to it!
all i can say is that..i have never read anything more touching n mesmerizing than this! :)

Aashi said...

well crys honestly.....I really really luv ur style of writing.n yeh I may not b very quick in commnting....but blame tht on the nature of my work...but honestly ur a gifted poet..I seriously think u shud try and come out with a book of them........................n yeh keep gng ...changes are at times imp in lyf.............let the memories have their own charm....if u stick 2 a single style u just myt marr the beauty of ur old poems........

just pls go on n on n on..............just promise me tht ud send me a free copy of ur book of poems.. ;)

Unknown said...

this is touching ....

vry touching ...

All about ORKUT said...

As I always ask... really wanna know from where did u stole this piece of poem???? :D Its very nice.

try to write poems of your own here after. :P

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks for the advice mr all about orkut...I'll try to keep that in mind next poem onwards...

Bored_teenager said...

this poem is great its terrific spellbinding and i especially like the way you told your own story through a tale trust me used that method lots of times so can relate somehwat lol defnitely pure awesomeness!