Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Defined Randomness

Imagination runs freely,
And I wish I could stop it...
...Too freely for comfort;
Right from tulips in the meadows,
To the drowning girl in the sea.
And then...
A complete reversal of thoughts,
To the night,
And its radiant moon,
Bringing back old memories...
Some good, but mostly sad.
And then flashes confusion,
In one of its myriad forms,
Leaving a dazed state of mind.

My spine is cold,
My heart is numb,
My throat is dry,
My eyes, lost in thought,
In a field of emotions,
Ranging from hatred,
To regret, to anger, to pure mirth.
I cannot settle,
I will not settle.
And why should I?
I was not responsible,
For the endless pain you suffer,
I have not caused,
The trouble you face.
I am to be a friend in need,
Only if you let me,
For I am not the root,
Of all your insecurities.
My thoughts run wild,
For they can't be penned anymore.
My ideas go berserk,
Every time I invent one.
A sorrow, so deep,
That happiness seems miles away.
Why should I suffer,
When you get hurt?
Why should I cry,
To ease you of your pain?
Cruelty here, lies,
Only in your perception.
The world is good,
It always was.
Unlock yourself to see,
The bright future that awaits,
Unfurl your wings and fly...
To destinations never seen.
Reach out with your mind's eye,
And touch his heart,
Whose you could never win.


All about ORKUT said...

hey Marty...u have a brilliant brain. very talented. you just take some best poems from some where and posting it in ur blog.

U r very talented to search for good but unknown poems online and claim it yours......


...Mystified... said...

Thanks...I am flattered... >blushing<
You do know how to praise my talent...and I thank you for that.

still life said...

hey nice one didnt go beyond me........ am i actualy geting smarter......... or can u be understod hmmmmmmmmmmm?

emotions abundant eh?

...Mystified... said...

I wrote after a long time...I guess I am just a little out of touch...
don' worry little puppy, I'll come up with a poem that goes over your head by a great measure.

still life said...

i posted just thought id let you know

...Mystified... said...

thanks...will check it.

Ananya said...

a connectible poem with abundant feels n emotions.. like it!

Anwesh said...

Hmm, am tired of praising ur ideas, so i won't this time.. :P

Execution was 90% ok and needs a bit of tweaking here and there..

Rest is good..

Keep it up!

Keep Smiling :)