Monday, June 09, 2008

The Other Side of Me

A dark alley,
With puddles of blood scattered.
A neon green light flickering,
And utter silence.
Yes, it is a dull, gloomy picture;
A picture most would stay away from.
But not I.
I live, grow, mature here.
I devour gloom.
I find solace in loneliness.
I make sure I die,
So that another life can live.
And in giving, I receive.
I know pain,
I know suffering,
I know what it feels,
To have no feelings at all.
I strive, to live through it all.
I stand, on my own,
Learning from the past.

There is good.
I refuse to believe there is not.
I will not bow,
To any insult or humiliation
Done to my sacrifices;
For I sacrifice for those
Who are worth.
I don't belong to the clouds,
Nor to the heavens above,
But to mere soil,
That too, deep within.
Nothing can change that,
No amount of pain or suffering, and
No amount of disappointment.

I was made to feel,
And feel I will,
For the countless hearts
That beat for joy,
For tears galore,
Wasted every second
By undeserving idiots,
For millions of smiles,
Lost in emptiness.

I refuse to be let down,
By someone else's mistakes.
Enough of ruining lives.
Now, I will make a worthy one,
That deserves, not pain,
No hardships nor sacrifices,
But love, happiness, joy,
And independence.


Unknown said...

good one that tels me there is smthing deeper inside dan u let out....d feelg to break out is natural in evry1...d emotional depth is also gud..u r becoming gud now...keep it up!

Vignesh Iyer said...

hmm.. a gr8 work..!!
pretty well defined emotions..
nd da mix of it gav da rite pinch for da poem..!!

nice work.. :) *as always!!*

...Mystified... said...

Hey thanks guys...really appreciate both of you taking time of to comment on the poems.

still life said...

hey nice one but blood puddles thats over kill but very nice indeed painted a good pic in my mind.

i wrote a post without any intoxicants in or before it hope u enjoy

...Mystified... said...

thanks puppy. Sorry I am out of words right now.

Anonymous said...

Rishika! I am impressed. Strong...

...Mystified... said...

Thank you brother dear. I feel honoured you commented.

Ananya said...

u suggested me to read it long back .. dun knw why i kept it pending , it was just too good! very well written .. the underlay of human emotions is well described,indirectly,yes

Anwesh said...

Hmm.. The idea of the poem is a bit glitched.. The struggle to consider ur life unworthy and all... a bit dated i presume..

"A picture most would stay away from.
But not I."

These two lines weren't in flow.. i feel so.. and the use of I instead of Me is a bit weird actually.. cos it doesn't help in the flow and neither does it have any effect..

Apart from this.. it's good.. good portrayal of emotions...

Keep smiling :)