Tuesday, December 01, 2009

A Happy Soul

I am
One of the lucky few
Who realize
The extent
Their stupid mistakes.
I am
One of the lucky few
Who earn
Another shot
Making gainful amends.
I am
One of the lucky few
Who aspire
For greatness galore,
And achieve it.
I am
One of the lucky few
Who have
Into the greater understanding
Of attracting happiness.

I learnt today
The art of being me.
I earned today
A chance at being free.
I lived today,
I laughed today,
I rejoiced today,
For I gained today
An unknown power
To decide my future,
My fate, my destiny.

I gained control
Over a life
I had deemed fit to forget;
I became one
With my spirit.
My soul is stronger;
It is free.
It is unbound by
Mere shackles
Of daily problems.
Now I see,
Now I feel,
Now I believe...
I believe in
The greater sense of happiness.

I am no more
Shallow or uncaring.
I am no more
A face in the crowd.
I have
Formed the identity
I had struggled
To gain control over.
I have
Succeeded in reaching
The pinnacle
Of my mental strength.

I no longer desire
To become a better person.
I no longer desire
For strength to carry my struggle forward.
I have been inspired
And in the process, transformed back,
Into my eternal self.
I shall persevere
The harshest of difficulties
And learn from them...
To grow mature
And expand my understanding
Of this world
That taught me the basics
To everyday survival.
It refreshed the memories
That have shaped me,
Into who I really am.
Mr. Google (Rampy, that's you)
Here is the poem I promised. Its been a while since I wrote a poem, hence the poor quality of this piece. I assure you I will be back in the game as soon as I can. :)
A pre-occupied martian


rampy said...

Hi dear!

Thank you so much for fulfilling your promise so well.

You say, this is a 'poor quality piece' ...?!?!? I beg to differ. Its awesome! Absolutely loved it! U said so much of what is so true for me too! :o) (Does this come from our conversations?)

May we just be ...just be the way we are. Thence lucky! :-)

srishti said...

hey... really really deep....
loved it :)

...Mystified... said...

i am glad you can find deepness in this one...I, for one, can't :P

rampy said...

Because, 'depth' again is relative. For a mere mortal like us, this was deep. For someone who is already so deep into it (like your humble self), find this at surface-level ...ofcourse, searching much deeper (eh?)

Things deep for one may not be for another ...deeper than deep do exist. It only needs an able eye to see it

...Mystified... said...

i don't know what to say... i really don't think i did a good job, but your comments really flatter me... they do.

akanksha said...

heyyy!!! oh my fucking god!..this was just awesome...really deep..i mean these feelings are just so there but go unnoticed and we feel weakened in spite of being empowered by the way we are... nd ur damn write when u say the "art of being me"!!
cheers love!!! :)

Unknown said...

i really liked it . it is like an italian saunet. cool.

Unknown said...

good one.. quite impressed as this is the first one i read from u !!
keep it up !

தமிழ்ப் பையன் said...

Nice poem ya... All the very best keep in touch

...Mystified... said...

thank you :)