Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Only one dream,
Only one hope,
Only one desire,
To achieve...
What? The mind knows not.
A cluster of images,
Forming day by day,
Giving substance
To an endless wait.
Filling gaps and holes,
Covering up voids,
Only to someday,
Reveal them.

Only one regret,
Of only one loss,
For only one time,
And then, despair to be fought.
In a pool of tears,
Spreading around,
Flowing boundless,
With unnatural energy.
The effect too harsh,
And unfathomable consequences,
Only to, someday,
Be wiped forever.

Only one thought,
Only one path,
Only one life,
To live...
How? The heart knows not.
The very essence,
Of movement,
However slight,
Yet alive.
Struggling to move,
With emotions restraining,
Only to, someday,
Cease living.


Unknown said...

ok now this is u crys...totally..

nice job..
n really uv made me wait far 2 long..

but i guess two poemsr worth it :)

gud job..

i'll commnt again properly..

just thot id drop a hi!!

...Mystified... said...

Er...I really don't see how you know the "me" and the "not so me"...but thanks anyways for commenting...
btw, hi :P

Unknown said...

hey miss busybee:p,hows life?found nowhere else to get a hi frm u:P....anyway gud poem as usual....keep up d excellent work!

still life said...

hmmmmmm are u alive?

still life said...

hmmmmmm are u alive?

still life said...

hey crys
u know i just kinda realised that u were the only friend i made online i think i told u ne way
i just had to thank u coz it aint tooo frequent that i make friends as easily. ne way just hope u have a great many days. and cheers

and btw- my blog misses u a lot

still life said...

oie nice poem i understood a lil of it lol
lets catch up some time still hoping to come to banglore

...Mystified... said...

Hey still...ssup!!! yeah long time..am so sorry been too busy with studies but don't worry will definitely dedicate a whole day to commenting on your blog...and thanks for your wishes...wish you the same.

Anonymous said...

may that day come soon

Unknown said...

amazing ..

how do u manage 2 write such awesome stuff ... makes me wonder .. ;)