Wednesday, October 07, 2009


We chatted and played
Laughed and danced,
Discussed, in hushed voices,
Our plans to have fun.
We passed messages,
Following age-old customs.
We tested and tried,
The limits our
Friendship would reach.

Then I left,
To pursue ambitions
I had never heard of.
Then I left,
The place of my dreams,
To pursue goals
I did not want to achieve.
Then I left,
I left behind the people
I knew were my own.
The people who could
Touch my soul and not
Scratch it to make a mark.
The people who I,
Had helped and in turn,
Helped me cope with life.
The people I called my own.

Now gone are those days,
Those mornings,
Those bus rides,
Those huddled talks,
Those gatherings.
The chatter is lost
In the sands of time,
Degrained by pain
And made a blur forever.

I will miss
Those days,
I will miss
My friends.


Ananya said...

Its a painful bitter truth of life.
Lovely description. :)

Mayank said...

very gud school memories i suppose....

srishti said...

hey dere... awesome poem.... i'm so proud of you.... love you...

srishti said...

hey dere... awesome poem.... i'm so proud of you.... love you...

...Mystified... said...

@ juve - thanks man... :D
@ mayank - precious school memories
@ srish - thanks re :D